Below you’ll see just a few tips and tricks we offer when performing the most common lawn renovation procedures. If you need more information, feel free to come by Mayo Garden Center in Knoxville or Powell. We can give you expert guidance, and we offer affordable pricing on many lawn supplements and lawn care equipment. Call or visit us today.
Contact UsAre you planning on renovating your lawn? Here are some tips that can help you with the process:
Eliminate all undesirable weeds and excessive thatch.Cultivate the soil by aerating, coring, slicing, or tilling.
Take a soil test to determine the pH and fertility level of the soil.
Correct the soil pH by adding lime and fertilizer according to your soil test results.
Apply fertilizer as recommended to the area and water. Apply about 5 to 10 lbs. per 1,000 square feet.
If the lawn is overseeded, drag, rake, or use a slit seeder to get the seed down into the soil.
Apply 1 to 2 inches of water as soon as possible after planting.Remember to water in the very early morning. Watering at night encourages disease problems.
We’re happy to offer you quality fertilizers, seeds, and sod for all your lawn renovation needs. We’ve helped countless homeowners like you revitalize their lawns, and we’ll ensure you have the products and knowledge you need to make your lawn renovation a success.
Are you looking to install a new sod lawn? There are some essential things you should know. Your sod should be rolled out the first day and watered the first hour after it’s rolled out. If you’re unable to roll out the sod and water it, keep it rolled up and in the shade and water the rolls where the roots are exposed. While being stored on the pavement, we recommend you water your sod twice a day.
Once you’re ready to lay your sod, remember these guidelines:
Prepare the soil: grade and remove rocks and debris.
Loosen the top layer of soil.
Cultivate soil ¾ to 1 inch lower than existing or desired ground level to ensure a flush fit of the edges of the new sod to your existing sod.
Work in lime if needed.
Spread in a starter type fertilizer with high phosphorus content.
Level your ground to a smooth surface.
Moisten (not muddy) your soil. Lay out the pieces of sod.
If installing sod on a slope, you should stagger the end of the rolls. This will help prevent trenches washing out.
Place edges tightly together.
Use a weighted roller, or tramp down with feet or hands, to ensure contact with the ground.
Water thoroughly.
Sod should be kept damp in the beginning by watering twice daily. After two weeks you may be able to cut back to once per day. After six weeks, water every other day.
Do you need more guidance with your sod? Call our lawn and garden care experts. We can give you further information and provide you with the lawn nutrients you need to help your grass grow healthy for years to come. Contact us today.