Effective Squirrel Prevention Feeders in Knoxville, TN

Let’s face it: With gardens and bird feeders come squirrels, the terrors of your backyard and your dog’s mortal enemies. If you have a garden or bird feeder in Knox County, you no doubt have come across these feisty little thieves stealing bird seed and scaring off those feathered friends you favor.

At Mayo Garden Center, we offer effective squirrel prevention measures that will ensure your bird feeders are left unprovoked, and your yard remains relatively free of these critters. Our signature bird feeder covers (or squirrel baffles), anti-squirrel bird feeders, and specialized bird seed will ensure the squirrels ignore your yard when they’re looking for handouts. We also offer a wide variety of vegetable and flowering seeds, fertilizers, lawn care equipment, and patio furniture for very reasonable prices. No matter your gardening needs, Mayo Garden Center is here to serve you. Call or visit us today.

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Feed The Birds, Not The Squirrels

Creating a welcoming garden for guests is great, but when squirrels overtake your fountains and bird feeders, you may feel less than inclined to spend much time there. We offer effective bird feeder innovations and quality bird seed that’s formulated to keep squirrels away while attracting your feathered friends. Our squirrel baffles (special covers for bird feeders) are great at stopping squirrels from jumping on top of your feeders, and we sell Squirrel-Be-Gone feeders that have closing feeder slots with auto-close functionality (activated by the weight of the squirrel when it lands on the feeder). We also sell Sizzle N’ Heat bird seed that is loaded with hot peppers that squirrels hate (though it has no impact on birds whatsoever). Find out more about our squirrel solutions by calling us today.